ºÃÉ«ÏÈÉúTV Mission
Strategic Priorities
Strategic Priority 1
Enhance student success during their time at Oglethorpe and beyond.
We are using a data-informed approach to increase retention, persistence, and graduation rates. The creation of an Academic Support Center, including a writing center, will further support students’ academic progress outside the classroom. These initiatives, and those still to be imagined, will ensure student success in the classroom and in their future endeavors.
Strategic Priority 2
Strengthen our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion for all members of the university community.
We are diversifying the Oglethorpe curricula, including the Core, to reflect our diverse community of learners. The newly established Intercultural Center is poised to foster a sense of belonging for all Oglethorpe students, faculty, and staff. We are committed to DEI initiatives that impact our faculty and staff hiring and retention, as well as our student recruitment strategy. Through these and other critical activities, we will strengthen and demonstrate our commitment to growing and supporting our diverse and special campus community.
Strategic Priority 3
Expand and integrate the physical, programmatic, fiscal, procedural and organizational infrastructure in a sustainable manner.
We are developing an intentionally designed campus master plan that reflects the institution’s innovative programming and extra- and co-curricular needs, and we are focused on a multi-year strategic enrollment management plan to increase student enrollment and retention. Through thoughtful processes, we are improving university operations to maximize our potential and make best use of our limited resources.
Strategic Priority 4
Develop innovative academic programs, transformative pedagogical practices and meaningful scholarship.
The faculty of Oglethorpe are at the heart of the university. They inspire, nurture, and challenge students every day. Our new MBA program is expanding opportunities for students and the university. We are pursuing other market-driven academic programs at both the undergraduate and graduate levels to enhance what we can provide to our students and the academic community.
Strategic Priority 5
Support the physical, mental, and professional well-being of members of our community.
We are expanding the mental health services available to students to address increased need, and we are focused on developing holistic nutritional, health, and fitness resources to support students, faculty, and staff. We are increasing both alumni engagement and student success through a formalized Alumni/Student Mentorship Program, already leading to stronger support systems and connection. We will create and enhance innovative faculty mentorship programs for early career faculty to increase success and satisfaction, as well as retention.
Strategic Priority 6
Establish and strengthen partnerships with Atlanta and global communities.
Our close-knit campus community thrives within all that the city of Atlanta has to offer. We are developing a robust internship-to-employment pipeline that connects Oglethorpe students with internships that span across disciplines throughout the city of Atlanta and around the world. We are focused on corporate partnerships that facilitate institutional growth and programming. We aim to elevate our reputation in the visual and performing arts and provide a creative space for community engagement. Through strengthened partnerships across the city and beyond, we will prepare graduates to be successful in whatever endeavors they pursue.